Choose this DAY whom you will serve – the earth will shake and MY ROAR will be heard.
By Jim Stockstill
Dear Prayer Partners and Friends,
(NWC) What an honor to join the anointed panel on “His Glory” this afternoon. Appreciate Amanda and David inviting a simple, ordinary vessel to be a part of those with the gifts of Holy Spirit. The pictures of the vision and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Thank you for your prayers and notes that always being me to tears. God bless each of you and your loved ones and my brothers and sisters around the world. May Elohim have mercy on the “Eagle” – the U.S.A.
The Prophetic Word
“Does the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob sleep or slumber? The Alpha and Omega clearly discerns the thoughts and intents of the hearts of mankind. The true ‘All Seeing Eye’, I observe the evil schemes and deceitful pathways of the wicked. In your foolishness and pride you are held captive and held in bondage by compromising with that which is evil and your haughty boasting and mockery of the Lord of heaven and earth will lead to eternal banishment. There says the Lord, in your rebellion you shall suffer. You have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind of your COLLUSIONS of mayhem and chaos. Nothing is new to your God, that which has been shall be again – as a dog returns to its vomit and a washed sow returns to wallow in her mire – so have MY Shepherds turned to the wicked ways of Balaam. Your greed and lust for power is as the rebellion of the fallen one – once a “light bearer” in MY celestial city I AM cast him into anguish and the eternal darkness of the dammed.”
“Throughout the land, MY House has become a den of thieves and a gathering for fable tales of false dreams and prophesies. I AM did not send these dreamers or false prophets – yet they use MY name to legitimize their sedition and beguilement. As before, when a hole was dug and the hidden door revealed in MY House, did you repent for your worship of creatures, loathsome beast and the idols of Baal? No, and neither did the offspring of Abraham the faithful. In the darkness of your soul festers detestable cravings one for another and the abominations of unnatural deprivation and animalistic perversion. Turning your back on your first love, you have compromised in lasciviousness rituals and made blood oaths with evil for fame and fortune.
I AM sees all, knows all and will judge all. You are like actors on a stage pretending to be one thing while being another to purposely deceive and mislead – clouds without rain, fruitless trees which the Lord of Righteousness will uproot.”
“Have I not sent true prophets to warn Apostles, Prophets and Teachers who were once faithful but have turned in rebellion as Korah and the chief leaders of Israel? You were not hirelings over MY sheep but entrusted Shepherds to nurture and protect these which are most precious to Me – the sheep of MY fold. You have exchanged MY Word and true worship for empty and worthless babble, social acceptance and secular entertainment. What was once acceptable and pleasing has become a stench in MY nostrils – as sand in the eye or gravel to the teeth. Repent so that I AM may show mercy rather than judgment. What does it profit mankind to gratify all of their carnal cravings but lose their eternal soul to Sheol?”
“For MY remnant that have endured years of tests and trials of preparation, you rightfully and judiciously seek MY judgment against the heathen that plot to destroy the ‘Eagle’ and without fear rage against the Lord your God. As a turbulent STORM of justice, I AM will expose the corruption and desecration of MY name and I AM will hasten to enforce the guilty verdict against scorpions and snakes that would destroy MY ‘covenant nation.’ As honeycomb before a consuming fire, Jehovah Sabaoth [Lord of Host] will deal a fatal blow to those that seek to change the times and seasons in order to institute darkness before its time. Yes, MY children, for the time has come for judgment, yet be patient a little longer for cleansing must begin with MY household. And as judgment begins with those that call themselves MY sheep, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed the Good News of MY Salvation? I AM will purge the “religious order”, counterfeits, and the anti-Christ from those that are faithful and true. Many that are well known in this world will fall, be stripped of their man-made empires and will be shamefully marked for their falsehood. But Woe, Woe, Woe unto the reprobates who will be destroyed when their insidious abominations and their secret perversions are brought to the light of truth. The stain of detestable pedophilia, filthy human trafficking and the blood of innocents is on their hands.”
“When their carved-out cisterns of false doctrines are exposed, and the fresh flowing spring of MY Living Word is once again honored by the Ecclesia, I have a hidden army of battle tested warriors that are prepared to usher in a fresh anointing for the weary and faint. No longer in obscurity, the chosen of the Lord will ‘repair the breach’ and signs and wonders that were once talked about will overflow once again.”
“Choose this day whom you will serve – for the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has come down in His GLORY [personal notation: restoration of the departed Glory] and the earth will shake and MY ROAR will be heard throughout the land of the ‘Eagle.’ Blow the Shofar, sound the alarm, for I AM Elohim and great is the army that carries out MY Word saith the Lord of Host.”
The prophetic word ended.
1-25-2021 Presented on “His Glory” 1-28-2021 [Prayer Marathon]
Joseph “Jim” Stockstill
The Unknown Prophet in Texas
“National War Council” – Chairman, Formation Committee
Dallas Metroplex
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…”
II Corinthians 10:4
Editor’s Note: You can read Jim’s two part prophecy on “The Storm of Justice” here, and here. Jim’s prophetic word to President Trump can be found here.
A Word for America: The Patriot Party

With a divine vision for the NWC, Jim has God’s heart for our nation. After serving in the Marine Corps, Jim experienced his “new birth” in Christ in 1976. He has a background in ministry, mission trips and the marketplace holding an MBA in International Finance and Management. As a servant leader, he is used in business and civic organizations as a gifted teacher, mentor and coach. In 1984 Jim was on the ticket with Reagan/Bush, and after nearly beating an entrenched incumbent, the Republican National Committee and State of Louisiana party leadership appointed Jim the District Chairman of the GOP. Since that time, He has helped to elect individuals to political offices at the municipal, state and federal levels. As a prophetic/seer, he moves in the power of the Holy Spirit through teaching, discernment, words of knowledge and deliverance. Jim counts his wife and son as his greatest and most precious gifts.
Pingback: Prophecy: the Time For Repentance is Now – the Judgment of the Church Has Begun | TCP News
Many thanks for all you do, May the Lord God have mercy on us all.
May God bless you for His work you do. May you be blessed and protected. Praying for you and for our nation as well as the world.
I am so blessed and honored to connect with you Mr Jim and all the NWC family. Thank you for having me.