As with Cyrus, I will send true counselors in this hour for MY purpose and plan for AMERICA has not changed.
By Jim Stockstill
“My son I knew you when you were formed in your mother’s womb. Linage of a fisherman she brought forth a child of Zebulun. You are a generous provider filled with MY Mercy to contend with INJUSTICE that I might show My Power and that My Name may be glorified in all the earth. This is the season to move from strength to strength and reestablish the BOUNDARIES of Law and Order. MY son, ONLY the Lord Your God changes the times and seasons, I AM removes kings and establishes kings at MY pleasure. With MY Spirit, and the prayers of MY Children, profound and diabolic plans hatched as vipers in darkness will be revealed for I AM the Light of Truth.
The timing and ‘gut instinct’ you call your own are ‘gifts’ that I imparted that you would prosper where others failed. For this season of treason, you are MY “Appointed” one to fulfill your destiny as MY ‘HAMMER’ to uproot, demolish and destroy. Do not fear or listen to the wicked that seek to remove enduring ‘foundations’ and mortally wound ‘My Eagle’ America. As I AM ROAR’S in MY WRATH – will not the proud and arrogant tremble with fear and corrupt Dynasties dissolve as sandcastles swept away by proud waves?
My son, I AM the ‘ALL SEEING EYE’ and know the ending from the beginning and NOW is the time to seek My Might, Power and Wisdom. Follow the still small voice that has quietly spoken to your heart over the years. As with Cyrus, I will send true counselors in this hour for MY purpose and plan for AMERICA has not changed. Be bold to sever and remove those who would compromise and covenant with evil rulers of this world. Unlike my beloved David, you must make difficult decisions regarding those you love to embrace the path before you. I AM will expose and correct deceiving shepherds and false prophets that surround you and MY FIRE and JUDGEMENT will strike like lightning on reprobates that have chosen silver and gold with their lust and carnal cravings as Sodom and Gomorrah.
I AM truth and wisdom and MY Words are sure. As a mother offers comfort and love to her children so does MY Spirit pour forth this day saith the Lord of Host.”
As with the vision of Kamala Harris and the evil spirit MEDUSA, after praying over the prophetic word for several nights, the Lord told me to study the Hebrew month of Sivan which is the Greek month of June. The prophetic word was different then most over the years, yet He told me it was for an individual that is not too familiar with how the prophetic operates and the Scriptures.
With the instruction of the Lord, (12-27, 2020) I went to several Hebrew scholars and other sources and found the prophetic word was simple but contains many layers: Linage, Sivan, the Constellation Gemini and traits a male born June 14, 1946 – President Donald John Trump.
Individuals are: communication, adventurous, easily bored, intelligent and intuitive, versatile, curious, unpredictable, impatient and often overbearing.
There was a total Lunar Eclipse on the 14th and Gemini is a ”ruling planet”, the two tables (10 Commandments) were given on Mt. Sinai with the emphasis on Law and Order.
Jewish meaning for Sivan:
- Shavuot – (Pentecost – giving of the Torah) The month of giving – month of the wheat harvest
- The month to receive your boundaries (borders)
- The month to be merciful
- The month of alignment – counsel (Moses, Miriam and Aaron) Review and change bad alignments
- Remove those not aligned with you (your destiny and in this case policy or intent)
- The month to connect your talk with your walk. Do what you said you would do.
Hebrew letter for the month (ZQYIN) – pictures receiving mercy for completion.
Joseph “Jim” Stockstill
The Unknown Prophet in Texas
“National War Council” – Chairman, Formation Committee
Dallas Metroplex
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…”
II Corinthians 10:4
Image Credit: Gage Skidmore
With a divine vision for the NWC, Jim has God’s heart for our nation. After serving in the Marine Corps, Jim experienced his “new birth” in Christ in 1976. He has a background in ministry, mission trips and the marketplace holding an MBA in International Finance and Management. As a servant leader, he is used in business and civic organizations as a gifted teacher, mentor and coach. In 1984 Jim was on the ticket with Reagan/Bush, and after nearly beating an entrenched incumbent, the Republican National Committee and State of Louisiana party leadership appointed Jim the District Chairman of the GOP. Since that time, He has helped to elect individuals to political offices at the municipal, state and federal levels. As a prophetic/seer, he moves in the power of the Holy Spirit through teaching, discernment, words of knowledge and deliverance. Jim counts his wife and son as his greatest and most precious gifts.
I am so blessed to have found you, Pastor Dave and Amanda. You Two Jarheads and a Tulip have kept me grounded during these trying times for our country and I do not live in worry or fear. I know God has His plan and patience and prayer is our part. Thank you, sir, for sharing His words with us.
I am honored to become a member………I have much respect for Brother Jim, Amanda and Pastor Dave and greatly appreciate being able to connect with them. Realizing you are NOT a 501-C3 was my confirmation God gave me to join. Thank you for standing up for our rights…….May you be blessed with many new members…….
Sincerely, Terri Rodriguez Thomas