Derrick Grayson is running for senate special seat in Georgia. Derrick is a strong advocate of the Constitution. He is for 100 percent of the Constitution – 100 percent of the time. Derrick is ProLife, Pro 2nd Amendment, for Limited Government and he is a Conservative. Derrick is well known for being a strong supporter of President Donald Trump since his announcement in 2015.
Top Campaign Issues
• Fidelity: Obey the Constitution, honestly support President Trump, serve one term and to encourage constituents to remove career politicians which makeup part of the “swamp.”
• Money: Pass the FairTax and repeal the 16th amendment. Abolish the Federal Reserve.
• Bill of Rights: Pass Constitutional amendment to carry and “bear arms.” Pass the Justice Act, Abolish qualified immunity and support the President on Fair and Balanced Trade.
• Life: Legislatively Defund Planned Parenthood.
• Health: Abolish Obamacare, Bridle big pharma, repeal the 86′ Vaccine Act, ensure vaccines remain voluntary.
• Security: Immigration reform, legislatively pass funding for the border wall.
• Education: Promote STEM for high school students, return education to parents and local teachers.
You can view the PDF here.
Joseph “Jim” Stockstill
The Unknown Prophet in Texas
“National War Council” – Chairman, Formation Committee
Dallas Metroplex
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…”
II Corinthians 10:4
With a divine vision for the NWC, Jim has God’s heart for our nation. After serving in the Marine Corps, Jim experienced his “new birth” in Christ in 1976. He has a background in ministry, mission trips and the marketplace holding an MBA in International Finance and Management. As a servant leader, he is used in business and civic organizations as a gifted teacher, mentor and coach. In 1984 Jim was on the ticket with Reagan/Bush, and after nearly beating an entrenched incumbent, the Republican National Committee and State of Louisiana party leadership appointed Jim the District Chairman of the GOP. Since that time, He has helped to elect individuals to political offices at the municipal, state and federal levels. As a prophetic/seer, he moves in the power of the Holy Spirit through teaching, discernment, words of knowledge and deliverance. Jim counts his wife and son as his greatest and most precious gifts.
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