Kamala Harris and the Occult – Vessels for Evil

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A prophecy concerning Kamala Harris, an unscrupulous and malevolent individual; the Occult, and the Remnant.


By Jim Stockstill

Since her selection as (Hollow) Joe Biden’s running mate (Vice President), my son (Luke) has asked me repeatedly to inquire of the Lord about Mrs. Harris. For years, as a prophetic/seer, Holy Spirit will show me the true nature of a person and specific episodes in their life. While I am unable to share these openly, at other times He releases me to speak of elements that are relevant to circumstances. As the nominee for Vice President, this is one of those times – certainly not all but enough to get a feel for the true nature of an unscrupulous and malevolent individual.

The Vision:

(9-10-2020, 11:20 PM) As my nightly custom, I was spending time with the Lord and the thought of Kamala Harris and Luke’s request came to mind. Without asking, the Lord showed me a picture of a character from a movie that Luke and I had watched many years ago – Celia from Monsters, Inc. What was unique was the many snakes that were part of her hair. Not woven in but an actual part of her nature. When Celia was being “nice” the snakes were calm but always present. When “angry”, the snakes would hiss and were prepared to strike. Other than the vision of Celia and the snakes, the Lord said four words, “the winged demon Medusa.”

The vision ended.

The Prophetic Word:

Thus saith the LORD Most High, “reprobates and those that cause destruction, violence and murder who have called on the powers of darkness – woe be unto them for I AM sending flying serpents among these blasphemers. In your pride, you defile My name and have given your soul to your Father – the evil one. You lust for power yet the demonic vipers you summon cannot be charmed with your potions and offerings of innocent blood. Like a cunning spider who weaves webs of deceit, so are the horde of evil serpents that will turn against you. From the nether regions these are wicked spirits whose breath and gaze will be fatal for the occultists and those that invoke ‘Black Magick’ in defiance of the set order of My universe.”

“You devise evil in vain and hopelessly plot, but I AM will scatter you and cause your incantations to return upon you sevenfold. Will you mock the God Most High and seek to destroy the foundations and borders of the nation that I ‘covenanted’ to establish? I AM enthroned in the heavens and laugh at your schemes and sorcery. The Alpha and Omega, I declare the end from the beginning and the powers of darkness will fail and you will be judged for your deceit and corruption. All that you have done in darkness, I AM will bring to the light of truth for heaven and earth to witness. Woe unto the wolves that falsely prophesy in My Name and compromise with the culture of this current age – you have been judged and found wanting as your Father – the evil one. Rather than being a light to those that have been deceived, you play the harlot and sell yourselves for silver and gold. I AM will tear down your ivory towers and plush dens that are filled with religion and entertainment. Exposure, exposure, exposure – I AM sickened and will vomit you out of My mouth.”

“For My remnant, stand guard, be vigilant and steadfast as the five wise virgins. The darkness of My Storm covers the land but My glory will cover you like a garment on a cold winter night. This is not a time of sadness but of rejoicing for the correction and judgment that must come before a new outpouring of My Spirit. Seek me and I AM will be found, ask and it shall be given, rejoice for My angelic host surround your enemies as they did My servant Elisha. I AM will give you a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and your long drought has come to an end. You have passed through the water and the fire and this is the season in which I AM has prepared and anointed you saith the Lord.”

The prophetic word ended.

The vision and prophetic word follow those given of the nominee for the Democratic Party – Joe Biden. You can read what Holy Spirit shared regarding “Hollow Joe” at: Hollow Joe



Joseph “Jim” Stockstill 
The Unknown Prophet in Texas
“National War Council” – Chairman, Formation Committee
Dallas Metroplex



“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…”
II Corinthians 10:4

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