TIPP is Compromising Trump (U.S.) and Netanyahu (Israel) 

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Our opposition to the plan is that it conflicts with Scripture – and there is a rational and viable alternative option


E-mail Distribution:

Distribution of TIPP and e-mails (below) included Communications Center for the White House, inner-circle advisors to President Donald J. Trump, Chief of Staff to POTUS and FLOTUS, many Israeli publications, U.S. publications including “Charisma”, broadcast personnel (Fox News), radio stations, conservative journalists, Conservative Political Blogs, Websites & Newsletters and a large number of intercessory networks.


Since early March, on behalf of the “National War Council”, I have released (11) eleven position papers on the Trump Israel Peace Plan (TIPP) including two documents with viable alternatives for a “Palestinian State.” The first included an option for settlements in Egypt and Jordan with the last specifically identifying Jordan as the best fit for the Palestinian people. With the historical and documented corruption of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the notorious terrorist group Hamas, I pointed out the waste of billions of dollars that have been stolen and squandered by the leadership of the PA and Hamas.

Israelis are voting for their next Prime Minister and it is a critical decision. Sadly, I find the current Prime Minister willing to go to war with Hamas to garner more votes from the hawkish side of the Likud Party and many of its citizens. It goes to show once again that “politicians” will do anything and everything to remain in power. Hamas, and other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip and West Bank have been terrorizing Israeli citizens for years but now the Prime Minister wants to act when his poll numbers have shown he is in a very tight race. It is sad and nauseating – I continue to pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara – but these actions and even thinking of compromising an inch of Israeli territory (promised land) will cost him and his family more than you can imagine. You were turned-out of office once before for this very reason – negotiating land for a hypothetical peace agreement with the Palestinian governing bodies. Seems you would have learned the lesson that Jehovah put you through – perhaps you can recall another King – Nebuchadnezzar compared to the blessing of Cyrus.

The same with our President, the “appointed one” liken to King Cyrus – TIPP is a disaster and your “advisors” have done you no service (or the American people) in moving you to embrace and promote the “Shame of the Century.” I have clearly stated, we support you and will continue to make every effort to see that your reelection in 2020 is successful. Nevertheless, when it comes to policy that is in direct conflict with scripture, and our vision and mission as an organization, we will stringently oppose the policy but not the person. Blessings to you Mr. President and our amazing First Lady as we continue to fast and pray for you.

September 17, 2019


Joseph “Jim” Stockstill 
The Unknown Prophet in Texas
“National War Council” – Chairman, Formation Committee
Dallas Metroplex



“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…”
II Corinthians 10:4

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