The National War Council: The Trump Israeli Peace Plan – A Plan Rife With Severe Consequences

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Israel is still the apple of God’s eye and His inheritance.  Israel remains close to God’s heart.


Tuesday –
June the 11th, 2019
Hebraic Year 5779

“Son of Man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17).

–     The role of a watchman is to warn and teach.
“…But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the Shofar, so that the people are warned; and then the sword comes and takes any one of them, I will hold the watchman responsible for the deaths” (Ezekiel 33:6).

By Jim Stockstill with an introduction courtesy of Lyle Rapacki

For those who have eyes to see the spiritual meaning behind the words in all the attachments; for those who have ears to hear the gentle but profound voice of Holy Spirit as you read the words in all the attachments; for those who have a true love and proclaim a part of God’s covenant plan through Jesus Christ, and who unashamedly acknowledge our spiritual roots are tied in with His covenant people, the Israelites, I ask you to prayerfully read the eight (8) attachments (see below), and if you choose to stand with Israel in this matter, and not stand for the giving away of even one stone from the land of Israel or weakening in any manner the gift God gave His covenant people, then I ask you in a most strong fashion to distribute this message with attachments everywhere you can think of, and dispatch this message now!

Israel is still the apple of God’s eye and His inheritance.  Israel remains close to God’s heart (Deut. 32:9-11; Ps. 33: 11-12; Ps. 148:14; Rom. 11:29).  We should pray for Israel’s condition, for her leaders, for her people.  The anti-Christ system hates everyone who has aligned with the Spirit of God, but especially determined to destroy God’s covenant for the nation of Israel.  This determination to destroy Israel can come suddenly, as with a military strike or subtly through a series of innocuous looking political and diplomatic plans, as in the case of the Israel Peace Proposal which will be formally presented to the Middle East later this month.  I do pray those who have eyes to see will see clearly why the Proposed Middle East and Israel Peace Plan must not go anywhere but back into the briefcase from which it was delivered.

Jim Stockstill who founded the National War Council (name chosen by Adonai because we are at war as described in Ephesians 6, which name was given to Jim Stockstill for that reason) has prepared these eight responses; said responses were delivered quietly to a number of individuals forewarning them NOT to allow the peace proposal to move forward on Biblical grounds, has now requested if I would distribute the same responses far and wide.  I just did!  But I am now deploring you to help.  If, after you read these, you endorse the Biblical principles presented therein, I ask you to distribute this entire message to all on your lists, and even farther…to your church.  We are engaged in a great spiritual war which has been building over the centuries, and while launched, will continue to grow in magnitude.  Stand up Oh Ye Followers of Yeshua, Stand-Up!!  If not you…who?  If not now…when?  Stand-Up you Followers of Christ!

Dr. Rapacki,

As discussed, attached are the scriptural basis on opposition to TIPP in series 1 – 7. Included is the last (PowerPoint) that is an alternative to Israel not giving up anything having to do with their land (boundaries). Please disseminate as you feel appropriate.  As we have said all along, the support for President is unequivocal and we greatly appreciate the courage he has shown in naming Jerusalem the rightful capital of Israel and then moving our embassy to the “Golden City”. As occurs in the course of life even friends can disagree while retaining a valued relationship. The same this time on the policy regarding TIPP, we disagree with the President but continue our support now and especially as the new election cycle for 2020 is about to get underway. He has done much to “MAGA” and we want another four years to “Keep America Great!”


Joseph “Jim” Stockstil

Attachments may be viewed and downloaded from our site as follows (NOTE – files are separate for security reasons):

Download only – Microsoft Word format:  

Part One – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Two – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Three – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Four – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Five – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Six – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Seven – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Eight – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Nine – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Ten – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Eleven – Trump Israeli Peace Plan

View and download – PDF format:

Part One – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Two – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Three – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Four – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Five – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Six – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Seven – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Eight – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Nine – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Ten – Trump Israeli Peace Plan
Part Eleven – Trump Israeli Peace Plan


Joseph “Jim” Stockstill 
The Unknown Prophet in Texas
“National War Council” – Chairman, Formation Committee
Dallas Metroplex


“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…”
II Corinthians 10:4


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