National War Council
"Repair the Breach"
With the Divine Providence of our creator, the National War Council
is empowered by God to “repair the breach” of Judeo-Christian values
and principals in our nation and restore the binding covenant
and scriptural cornerstone by which our Founding Father’s
pioneered and established the United States of America.
Welcome friends,
We hope that the National War Council will become a valuable source of inspiration as well as a reliable source for godly wisdom and information. In a world filled with deception, lies, and half-truths – as well as censorship and outright attacks against conservatives and those who truly worship and follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we aim to be a strong presence in the storm helping you to navigate your way through the valleys of darkness – together we are strong. (Psalm 23:1-6)
Our founder, Jim Stockstill began this ministry after receiving a Word(s) from the Lord. The original purpose of the NWC was to uphold President Trump in prayer, as well as our people, and We the People have never before needed strong intercessory prayer as much as we do today. True spiritual warriors – standing in the gap, unafraid, praying to our Father, for His guidance, His purpose, grace, courage, strength, and healing. Our God who sees all, knows all, and rewards those who serve Him – is faithful, even when we are faithless. We are still actively praying today, and we will continue to do so. There is enormous power in prayer. (Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 8:26, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
President Trump may have been defeated for now through chicanery and evil unleashed by those who serve their father, Satan – but he will return as president of this great nation once again. Donald Trump in fact remains our rightful president even now. Christians need to be involved in the political process, we need to be a voice, we need to support biblical values in government. To those who say to eschew politics – we strongly disagree. Look to King David, Daniel, and Joseph among others. (Romans 13:1, 1 Peter 2:13-14, Psalm 22:28, Daniel 2:20–21)
The NWC and those affiliated with us will continue to strongly support and pray for Donald Trump and his family, as well as the people that make up this great nation – we will always pray for Israel, the Apple of His eye, which the Lord said is His – forever.
Intercessory prayer is an important part of the NWC and we hope that you will join us in praying for this nation – the “Eagle.” We are in perilous times never before seen, we live in a spiritually dark world, where most are on the broad path, and few care to follow Jehovah-Jireh (The LORD Will Provide). (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Bible prophecy continues to play out before our very eyes, and the Spirit is being “poured out” upon many (Joel 2:28). God has allowed a “storm” to gather over America – a storm that will bring correction. At the same time, our Lord is forming a new network – a network of true believers, intercessory prayer partners (prayer warriors), business people, former military, and pastors among others. People who are called, people whom the Lord equips – people who are willing to not only support, encourage, and pray for a strong united nation, but are willing to stand up for this nation and what it means to be the revolutionary and exceptional nation that we were founded as – under God.
Grace, peace, and blessings,
Editor-in-Chief – National War Council
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
If you feel led to do so – we appreciate and are grateful for any and all donations. This ministry is funded solely by the generosity of people like you, and none of our staff is paid. Servers however still cost money, as do other ministry functions. Click the link below to donate – no PayPal account needed, you can use your debit or credit card. Please note that we are not a 501 (c) (3) (donations are not tax deductible) – in order that we may remain independent and owe no loyalty to the government. You can read about our stance on, and the unbiblical nature of 501 (c) (3)s here, and here.